The Lady of the Pearl

THE LADY OF THE PEARL (First People of Sedona)

by Vicky Oldham © 2017

Let me tell you the story of The Lady of the Pearl,
Sealed inside a log, when she was just a girl,
Her people wandered far, across the sea and sand,
And out of Montezuma Well, they came into this land.

The oracle proclaimed: A flood was coming nigh,
To cover all the earth, and everything would die,
They chose a special lady, “The Lady of the Pearl,”
To seal inside a log, when she was just a girl.

Kamalapukwia, the Lady of the Pearl,
Was sealed inside a log when she was just a girl,
Along with a woodpecker, and a magical white stone,
40 days and nights, she was all alone.

The white stone is a secret, never to be told,
No one knows just what it is, but sure it’s very old,
A magical white pearl, with a power past this world,
Given to the lady, when she was just a girl.

And when the waters fell, woodpecker freed her from the log,
Resting in Sedona, there the lady stood,
She journeyed, pearl in hand, through a Valley out of time,
And up to Mingus Mountain, to the summit she would climb.

On the mountain top, with the pearl she met the sun,
By this she had a child, mother of everyone,
First people of Sedona, this is how they came to be,
The Yavapai-Apache told this story to me.

An epic of survival generations share,
With their sons and daughters, and people everywhere,
The meeting with the sun by the Lady of the Pearl,
And the flood of ages, that happened ‘round the world.

So now you know the story of The Lady of the Pearl,
Sealed inside a log, when she was just a girl,
and why this is the home of the People of the Sun,
Sedona Arizona, special place to everyone.


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