Over Oceans of Time

I began writing Over Oceans of Time in 2016, when I lived in Sedona, Arizona.  I was thinking of how this area of northerrn Arizona was once an inland sea.  I pictured a swath of ocean abounding with ancient sea life, birds calling and waves sweeping the beach. At the edge of the Mogollon rim, Sedona exposes a strata of 300-million year old red rock with towering spires and buttes.  While its hard to imagine as an ocean in Sedona, its geologic wonders reveal signs of evolutionary drama, illustrating in layers the development of life on earth.

The tune and most of the words, including the chorus and the first and second verses, came to me almost all at once.  I since have edited the last verse, but it's almost all the same as in 2016. The one addition is the piano part and the mix of voices.


Over Oceans of Time

by Vicky Oldham © 2021


[VERSE 1 & 2]

We gather together,

Joining forever,

Two hearts as one,

Over oceans of time.


To love one another,

And cherish each other,

Standing together,

Over oceans of time.



Over oceans of time,

Over oceans of time,

Love is forever,

Over oceans of time,

Over oceans of time.


[VERSE 3 & 4]

Though sunrise and moonrise,

Spin as a dancer,

Love is the answer,

Over oceans of time.


Like birds on the wing,

Soaring together,

Two hearts forever,

Over oceans of time.




[VERSE 4 & 5]

We gather together,

Joining forever,

This couple together,

Over oceans of time.


With blessings are given,

Vows under heaven,

Promising love,

Over oceans of time.



Over oceans of time,

Over oceans of time,

(1) Love is forever...

(2) Love is forever...

(3) Love is forever...

(4) Love is forever...

(5) Love is forever...

(6) Love is forever...

Over oceans of time,

Over oceans of time,

Over oceans of time.




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