A True Best Friend

 I love animals and so many of my friends do too.  I thought about how loyal animals are, through thick and thin, and how they sense moods and feelings in a special way.  I have two Boston terriers that I can't imagine life without! 

A True Best Friend

by Vicky Oldham © 2018


A true best friend is hard to find,
It’s someone to be your Valentine,
Beside you ‘till the very end,
That’s a true best friend.

They’ll cheer you up when you’re down,
Put a smile on a frown,
You know they’ll always be around,
That’s a true best friend.

[1st VERSE]

Doesn’t matter how you look,
Learned from life or from a book,
Who you are, whatever it took,
With a true best friend.

If you’re young or if you’re grown,
No matter where you call your home,
You’ll never really be alone,
With a true best friend.


Your best friend will be there for you,
When skies are gray and skies are blue,
Beside you ‘till the very end,
That’s a true best friend.

They’ll cheer you up when you’re down,
Put a smile on a frown,
You know they’ll always be around,
That’s a true best friend.

[2nd Verse]

They’ll stick around when you’re down,
With you when you come around,
Waiting when you’re homeward bound,
That’s a true best friend.

And if one day you finally part,
Your best friend’s always in your heart,
You’ll never really be apart,
From a true best friend.



A true best friend is hard to find,
It’s someone to be your Valentine,
Beside you till the very end ,
That’s a true best friend.

Your best friend will be there for you,
When skies are gray and skies are blue,
Beside you ‘till the very end,
That’s a true best friend.

That’s a true best friend.


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